Our founder Anna Wiernicka holds an M.A. in history from Warsaw University and a Ph.D. in history from Bydgoszcz University. Her past affiliations include the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. She has more than 20 years of experience as a genealogical researcher, serving individuals and families, as well as handling complex cases for professional clients.
Anna regularly speaks on genealogical and historical topics at international and Polish conferences. She is a member of the Association of Polish Professional Genealogists, the Warsaw Genealogical Society, and the Association of Professional Genealogists (USA).
Anna’s institutional clients have included the award-winning TV series Who Do You Think You Are, JRI-Poland, State Trustees (Australia), the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw, and Ancestry.
Z Rohatyna do Paryża, czyli o trudnym obywatelstwie warszawskich frankistów [From Rohatyn to Paris, or the Difficult Citizenship of Warsaw Frankists], GENEAMI 11th National Genealogical Conference, Brzeg, 2024.
Was My Ancestor Rich or Poor: What We Can Find from Polish Business Court Records?, Jewish Genealogical Society of New York (online), 2024. With Hadassah Lipsius.
Postanowiłam woli mojej ostateczne rozporządzenie uczynić… [I Hereby Express My Last Will….], Cmentarze w Polsce stan obecny i perspektywy zmian, Christian Theological Academy, Warsaw, 2023.
Zwyczaje testamentowe żydowskich mieszkańców Warszawy w XIX wieku [Inheritance Customs in Jewish Warsaw in the 19th Century], GENEAMI 10th National Genealogical Conference, Brzeg, 2023.
Was My Ancestor Rich or Poor: What Can We Find from Polish Court Records?, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, London, 2023. With Hadassah Lipsius.
Nie łatwo być obywatelem – o rodzinie Wołowskich gawęda [It’s Not Easy to Be a Citizen: A Tale of the Wołowski Family], Instytucje zapomniane…, dziedzictwo zaniedbane. O losach i upamiętnianiu struktur organizacyjnych Wielkiej Emigracji poza Paryżem, Centre de Civilisation Polonaise – Sorbonne Université, Paris, 2022.
W cieniu męża; aspiracje, dążenia i rola kobiet żydowskich w Warszawie w I połowie XIX wieku [In the Husband’s Shadow: Aspirations and Roles of Jewish Women in Warsaw 1801-1850], Kobieta żydowska – nowe badania i perspektywy badawcze, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Żydowskich, Kraków (online), 2021.
A Pearl Necklace and Silver Kiddush Cup – the Story of Everyday Life of Jewish Families in Warsaw, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Philadelphia (online) 2021.
Les Wołowski de Waliców: espace, individus, artifices [The Wołowski Family of Waliców: Places, People, and Artifacts], Être Juive dans l’Europe de Maria Szymanowska: talents, ambitions, perspectives, Paris, 2019.
Turkułłowi Ministrowi i Sekretarzowi Stanu Królestwa Polskiego dzieło pod tytułem Fendon. O zapisach testamentowych żydowskich mieszkańców Warszawy w XIX wieku [Unto Minister Turkułł of the Kingdom of Poland a Work Entitled Fendon: On 19th Century Jewish Wills in Warsaw], Cmentarz – dziedzictwo materialne i duchowe, Marie Curie University, Lublin, 2019.
Using Polish Court Files in Genealogical Research (with Rony Golan and Orit Lavi) and Mine, Yours, Ours: What We Can Learn from Jewish Prenuptial Agreements of 19th Century Poland, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Warsaw, 2018.
Jewish Last Wills: To the Minister Turkul a Thermometer in the Form of a Clock, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Seattle, 2016.
Bequests and Last Wills of Warsaw’s Jewish Residents in the 19th Century, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, 2015.
The Epsteins: Forgotten Varsovians, Where Did Varsovians Come From: Social, Economic and Cultural Consequences of Migration, Museum of Warsaw, Warsaw, 2015.
From Lviv to Leeds. History of the Lviv Line of the Epstein Family, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, 2014.
Through the Keyhole: Everyday Life of Jewish Families in Warsaw in the 19th Century, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, 2014.
A Step Ahead of an Epoch, a Saga of the Epstein Family, Leeds, 2013.
I Request a Modest Burial in My Cemetery in Praga: Briefly on Judyta Jakubowicz, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, 2011.
Discovering 19th and 20th Century Polish Court Documents and Notarial Records: A Hidden Genealogical Treasure, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Washington, DC, 2011.
Warsaw Bankers, Insurgents, and Entrepreneurs: Aspirations, Aims, and Achievements of the Warsaw Line of the Epstein Family, Warsaw Genealogical Society, Warsaw, 2011.
Genealogy with Soul, IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, New York, 2006.
Z Warszawy do Leeds – historia z happy endem [From Warsaw to Leeds: A Story with a Happy End], “Quaerenda” Biuletyn Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego, nr 9, Warsaw 2023.
Zależne i niezależne – gawęda o warszawskich żydówkach w I połowie XIX wieku [Dependent & Independent: On Jewish Women in Warsaw, 1801-1850], “Quaerenda” Biuletyn Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego, nr 8, Warsaw 2022, pp. 97 – 111.
The Wołowski of Waliców: area, people and artefacts / Les Wołowski de Waliców: espace, individus, artifices, “Annales”, nr 21, Warsaw-Paris 2020, pp. 203 – 210.
Epsteinowie – warszawiacy zapomniani [The Epsteins: Forgotten Varsovians], Skąd się biorą warszawiacy?, Warsaw 2016, pp. 153 – 166.
„Proszę także o cichy pochówek na moim cmentarzu w Pradze”. Krótka opowieść o Judycie Jakubowiczowej [I Request a Modest Burial in My Cemetery in Praga: Briefly on Judyta Jakubowicz], Odkrywanie żydowskiej Pragi. Studia i materiały pod redakcją Z. Borzymińskiej, Warsaw 2014, pp. 92 – 101.
Epsteinowie przemysłowcy, powstańcy, społecznicy, ,,Stolica”, nr 4, Warsaw 2013, pp. 31 – 32.
A City without a Rabbi Cannot Exist, Warsaw 2012 (co-author of biographies of rabbis).
The House of Herman Epstein. Contribution to the History of Warsaw Bourgeoisie in the Mid-19th Century, „Acta Poloniae Historica”, 2006, nr 2, pp. 165 – 172.
Spiritual Genealogy: A Look at Polish Notary Documentation, „Avotaynu”, New York 2006, t. XXII, pp. 38 – 45.
Zamożny dom mieszczański połowy XIX wieku [Wealthy Urban Homes in the Mid-19th Century], „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, nr 1, Warsaw 2004, pp. 93 – 98.
Z okruchów rzeczy o zajęciach w czasie wolnym. Bogate mieszczaństwo żydowskie I połowy XIX wieku (w świetle inwentarzy pośmiertnych) [Leisure Time of Wealthy Urban Jews in Light of Post-Mortem Inventories, 1801-1850],Kobieta i kultura czasu wolnego. Zbiór studiów pod red. A. Żarnowskiej i A. Szwarca, Warsaw 2002, pp. 135 – 149.
The Rosen Family: A Case Study, Prace Instytutu Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Warsaw 2001, nr 4, pp. 79 – 84.